Rules: Current CMP rules will govern. It is the competitor’s responsibility to be familiar with CMP rules and this program. The CMP classification system will be used (Rule 5.11.4). Competitors who do not have a CMP Classification, but who have an NRA Classification may compete with their current NRA Classification for their first match (Rule 5.11.4 (f)).
Registration will be held at the 200 yard berm at 0845, no new registrations after 0915. No competitors will be permitted to compete once registration is closed.
Competitors should be prepared to assist with set up and tear down of targets, and or to perform pit and scoring duties.
Match Information:
800 Point Across the Course (Non-EIC)
Course of Fire:
20 Shots/2 Sighting Shots- Slow Fire Standing - 200 yards – 22 minutes
(2 Strings of 10)/2 Sighting Shots- Rapid Fire Sitting – 200 yards 2minutes/60 seconds
(2 Strings of 10)/2 Sighting Shots- Rapid Prone - 300 Yards 2 minutes/70 second
20 Shots/2 Sighting Shots- Slow Fire Prone – 600 Yards- 22 minutes
• Fees: $15.00 Adults/Free Juniors
• It is the competitor’s responsibility to be familiar with CMP rules, course of fire, and this program.
• Ear & Eye Protection is Required for matches on the firing line.
• Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) is required at all times except in actual firing or preparation time.
• Competitors must be on target within 3 shots.
• There will be no breaks, competitors should provide water and snacks as needed.
• 75 grain or heavier must be used at 600 yard line, .223/5.56 ammunition.
• $3.00 Challenge fee for unsuccessful challenges.
Electronic Targets:
Shot-marker Target System will be used for matches. Competitors are asked to provide their own personal Wi-Fi electronic device, i.e., smart phone or tablet. Always be ready to make use of paper targets, should electronic target fail. Please note the access code for shot marker system:
Matches are subject to weather conditions; all efforts will be made to notify competitors in a timely fashion.
Gate codes will be emailed the week prior to the scheduled match. It is imperative that competitors do not enter Zink Ranch before Sunrise.
Any shooter who enters Zink Ranch prior to Sunrise will be subject to disqualification of match events.
Match Contact:
Rachael Miller-Lansdown
M14Lady@yahoo.com or 918-232-9125