Thursday Outdoor Pistol Practice (TOPP)
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, 9am to 12pm at Bullseye pistol range
The Bullseye Pistol Range is reserved Thursday mornings from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Shooting starts at 9:00.  Set up starts about 8:00.  Come early and help set up and visit.
Organized pistol practice utilizing a variety of courses of fire to entertain, improve shooting skills and enhance decision making skills all with an emphasis on safety. 
Equipment needed:
Center fire handgun.  Semi-auto preferred but revolver OK.
Eye and Ear protection.
Holster and Mag carrier.
At least one extra magazine.
If using a revolver, extra speed loaders are helpful.
Contact information:  Russ Dworshak  281-853-4208
Combined Military Rifle Competition-Bench Rest Range
Saturday, May 4th, 2024, 8:30am to 12:15pm at Bench Rest Range on Zink Ranch
All are welcome, you do not have to be a member to participate. If you enjoy shooting old military rifles, this is the one for you! The 1st Saturday of each month these competitions are held at the Bench Rest Range and shot at 100 yds. There are 14 lanes. Reserve your lane early ! Sign up for the email list at the match.     
ATTENTION: The Zink Ranch is a gated facility, to get an entry code, non-members must contact the Director at
918-712-0644 in advance and to get more information.
Four Targets placed at 100 yards. One for Sighting Shots, Two For Record, One for group size.
Course of Fire: All relays are fired seated from Bench Rest using rear supports.
The match is shot in three relays:
Relay One: 22lr. Bolt or Gas, Iron Sites or Scoped.    
Unlimited Sighting Shots - (3 Strings of 10) – 100 yards  22 minutes
Relay Two: 22lr. Bolt or Gas, Iron Sites or Scoped.    
Unlimited Sighting Shots - (3 Strings of 10) – 100 yards  22 minutes
Relay Three: Center Fire Military rifles.   Unlimited Sighting Shots - (3 Strings of 10) – 100 yards  22 minutes
Bolt guns - Slow fire.
Auto Loading weapons may fire Rapid fire, 22 minutes is allotted per relay. 
Targets are scored, shot groups are measured and recorded after each relay.
·       Fees: $5 per relay
·       Ear & Eye Protection is Required for matches on the firing line. 
·       Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) is required at all times except in actual firing. 
  • Always bring your rifle to the line unloaded with action open.
  • Always point rifle downrange
  • ALWAYS Keep The Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use
  • ALWAYS Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
  • During cease fire: Action Open with Empty Chamber Indicator, remove Magazine (where applicable), Weapon on Safe
  • Never be at the bench, between the red line in the front of the benches and the yellow line behind the benches when people are down range.
Oklahoma Conceal/Open Carry Class
Saturday, May 4th, 2024, 8:30am to 4:30pm at 1115 S Zunis
Conceal/Open Carry class for men and women at TRCGC indoor range in Tulsa, OK. Classes begin at 8:30 am and are approximately 6-8 hours long. Loaner guns are available. Nonmember Fee $50  Members of TRCGC $40 Payment in cash or check For more information, or to enroll, contact Bill McClellan at 918.396.2247 or email:
Oklahoma Conceal/Open Carry Class
Sunday, May 5th, 2024, 8:30am to 4:30pm at 1115 S Zunis
Conceal/Open Carry class for men and women at TRCGC indoor range in Tulsa, OK. Classes begin at 8:30 am and are approximately 6-8 hours long. Loaner guns are available. Nonmember Fee $50  Members of TRCGC $40 Payment in cash or check For more information, or to enroll, contact Bill McClellan at 918.396.2247 or email:
Single Action Cowboy Regular 1st Sunday Match
Sunday, May 5th, 2024, 9am to 2pm at Buzzard Gulch - Outdoor Range
SASS rules cowboy match at Buzzard Gulch on the outdoor range. Registration starts at 9:00, the match starts at 10:00. Ammo required: 50 rounds pistol, 50 rounds rifle, 20 to 30 shot shells. Questions? Contact range director by phone or text at 918 508 9381. 
(Women Only) Beginning Handgun & Safety Class, Sherry Strong, Instructor
Sunday, May 5th, 2024, 10am to 5pm
LADIES ONLY CLASS FOR BEGINNERS:  Introduction to Basic Handgun and Safety Class, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. This class is for those beginners/new-bies who want to learn to operate their own firearm and learn to shoot it safely.  Also, if time permits, we'll cover gun cleaning procedure, and various holsters for carrying your firearm.  For more information, and/or to register, contact Sherry Strong, 918.724.6544, or
Women's Shoot Night
Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, 6pm to 8pm at INDOOR RANGE
Tonight all women shooters are invited to bring a photo of their Mom 
and/or a copy of your Mom's favorite recipe.
You're welcome to bring a snack to share.
6 - 8 p.m., Indoor Range.
6 - 7 we "yak and snack." 
7 - 8 we gear up and shoot on the range.
As a courtesy, RSVP please if you plan to attend.  You can call, text or email.
If you fail to rsvp, we won't have a target prepared for you. 
Sherry Strong 918.724.6544
GUN SAFETY: All guns brought into the classroom/range must be UNLOADED, no ammo in the chamber, no ammo in the magazine.   Guns must be in a bag or case.   REMEMBER THE 4 SAFETY RULES: 1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. 2.  Keep your finger off the trigger until you are on target and ready to fire. 3.  Never point the firearm at anything you do not intend to kill. 4.  Know your target and what is beyond it. 
Thursday Outdoor Pistol Practice (TOPP)
Thursday, May 9th, 2024, 9am to 12pm at Bullseye pistol range
The Bullseye Pistol Range is reserved Thursday mornings from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Shooting starts at 9:00.  Set up starts about 8:00.  Come early and help set up and visit.
Organized pistol practice utilizing a variety of courses of fire to entertain, improve shooting skills and enhance decision making skills all with an emphasis on safety. 
Equipment needed:
Center fire handgun.  Semi-auto preferred but revolver OK.
Eye and Ear protection.
Holster and Mag carrier.
At least one extra magazine.
If using a revolver, extra speed loaders are helpful.
Contact information:  Russ Dworshak  281-853-4208
600 yard Prone Rifle League
Saturday, May 11th, 2024, 7:30am to 12pm at 600 yd. High Power range
Thursday Outdoor Pistol Practice (TOPP)
Thursday, May 16th, 2024, 9am to 12pm at Bullseye pistol range
The Bullseye Pistol Range is reserved Thursday mornings from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Shooting starts at 9:00.  Set up starts about 8:00.  Come early and help set up and visit.
Organized pistol practice utilizing a variety of courses of fire to entertain, improve shooting skills and enhance decision making skills all with an emphasis on safety. 
Equipment needed:
Center fire handgun.  Semi-auto preferred but revolver OK.
Eye and Ear protection.
Holster and Mag carrier.
At least one extra magazine.
If using a revolver, extra speed loaders are helpful.
Contact information:  Russ Dworshak  281-853-4208
800 PT XTC
Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 7am to 3pm at HIGHPOWER RANGE
Red Castle Gun Club Location:
The Outdoor Shooting Ranges are located on the Zink Ranch, adjacent to Skiatook Lake, north of Sand Springs, Oklahoma, at the north end of HWY 97 (Coordinates to the Club House at Zink Ranch: 36.308019,-96.117261 or W3W at concierge lighthouse grounded).  Please do not enter Zink Ranch, before sunrise. 
This competition is open to any eligible competitor, you need not be a member of the NRA, CMP or Red Castle Gun Club. No person who has been convicted of a Federal or State felony or any violation of Section 922 of Title 18, U. S. Code, is eligible to participate in any activity sponsored or sanctioned by the CMP.
ALL competitors must sign Red Castle Gun Club, Waiver Agreement, prior to participating. 
No Ammunition will be distributed for this match, it is the responsibility for each competitor to provide their own ammunition. 
Rules: Current CMP rules will govern. It is the competitor’s responsibility to be familiar with CMP rules and this program. The CMP classification system will be used (Rule 5.11.4). Competitors who do not have a CMP Classification, but who have an NRA Classification may compete with their current NRA Classification for their first match (Rule 5.11.4 (f)).
Registration will be held at the 200 yard berm at 0845, no new registrations after 0915. No competitors will be permitted to compete once registration is closed. 
Competitors should be prepared to assist with set up and tear down of targets, and or to perform pit and scoring duties.
Match Information:
800 Point Across the Course (Non-EIC)
Course of Fire: 
20 Shots/2 Sighting Shots- Slow Fire Standing - 200 yards – 22 minutes
(2 Strings of 10)/2 Sighting Shots- Rapid Fire Sitting – 200 yards 2minutes/60 seconds
(2 Strings of 10)/2 Sighting Shots- Rapid Prone - 300 Yards 2 minutes/70 second
20 Shots/2 Sighting Shots- Slow Fire Prone – 600 Yards- 22 minutes
·       Fees: $15.00 Adults/Free Juniors
·       It is the competitor’s responsibility to be familiar with CMP rules, course of fire, and this program.
·       Ear & Eye Protection is Required for matches on the firing line. 
·       Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) is required at all times except in actual firing or preparation time. 
·       Competitors must be on target within 3 shots. 
·       There will be no breaks, competitors should provide water and snacks as needed. 
·       75 grain or heavier must be used at 600 yard line, .223/5.56 ammunition. 
·       $3.00 Challenge fee for unsuccessful challenges.
Electronic Targets:
Shot-marker Target System will be used for matches. Competitors are asked to provide their own personal Wi-Fi electronic device, i.e., smart phone or tablet. Always be ready to make use of paper targets, should electronic target fail. Please note the access code for shot marker system:
Matches are subject to weather conditions; all efforts will be made to notify competitors in a timely fashion. 
Gate codes will be emailed the week prior to the scheduled match. It is imperative that competitors do not enter Zink Ranch before Sunrise. Any shooter who enters Zink Ranch prior to Sunrise will be subject to disqualification of match events. 
Match Contact:
Rachael Miller-Lansdown  or 918-232-9125 
Single Action Cowboy Regular 3rd Saturday match
Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 9am to 2pm at Buzzard Gulch - Outdoor Range
SASS rules cowboy match at Buzzard Gulch on the outdoor range. Registration starts at 9:00, the match starts at 10:00. Ammo required: 50 rounds pistol, 50 rounds rifle, 20 to 30 shot shells. Questions? Contact range director by phone or text at 918 508 9381. 
OK SDA Class (Conceal/Open/Constitutional Carry) -Sherry Strong, Instructor
Saturday, May 18th, 2024, 10am to 6pm at INDOOR RANGE
OK SDA (Constitutional, Open Carry) Class.  This is the class required to get your certificate so you can apply for your OK gun permit. This is NOT a gun instruction class; it is the class where you will learn the gun laws that apply to gun owners. You must know how to load, shoot and unload your own firearm safely. You will be shooting 50 rounds at the indoor range. To reserve your seat, please contact Sherry Strong at or  We look forward to meeting and working with you!
Beginning Handgun & Safety Class, Sherry Strong, Instructor
Sunday, May 19th, 2024, 10am to 5pm at INDOOR RANGE
Introduction to Basic Handgun and Safety Class, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. This class is for those beginners/new-bies who want to learn to operate their own firearm and learn to shoot it safely.  Also, if time permits, we'll cover gun cleaning procedure, and various holsters for carrying your firearm.  For more information, and/or to register, contact Sherry Strong, 918.724.6544, or
Monday Night Shot Group - Joe Hancock, Lead Instructor, Sherry Strong Range Safety Officer
Monday, May 20th, 2024, 6pm to 8pm at INDOOR RANGE
6 - 8 p.m.    Students must know how to load, shoot, and unload safely. We will shoot approximately 75 - 100 rounds.   You will need your firearm, ammo (NO RELOADS: factory ammunition only), eye/ear protection, and a ball cap. Registration required as we limit number of participants.  Contact Joe Hancock, 918.636.8409 ( or Sherry Strong, 918.724.6544 (   All guns brought into the classroom must be UNLOADED, no ammo in the chamber, no ammo in the magazine.   Guns must be in a bag or case.   REMEMBER THE 4 SAFETY RULES: 1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. 2.  Keep your finger off the trigger until you are on target and ready to fire. 3.  Never point the firearm at anything you do not intend to kill. 4.  Know your target and what is beyond it
Single Action Cowboy plus Pike Regular 4th Wednesday match
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, 9am to 2pm at Buzzard Gulch - Outdoor Range
SASS rules cowboy plus Pike match at Buzzard Gulch on the outdoor range. Registration starts at 9:00, the match starts at 10:00. Pike allows 1911 style handgun with 2 clips and pump shotgun in place of revolvers and coach gun. Ammo required: 50 rounds pistol, 50 rounds rifle, 20 to 30 shot shells. Questions? Contact range director by phone or text at 918 508 9381. 
Thursday Outdoor Pistol Practice (TOPP)
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024, 9am to 12pm at Bullseye pistol range
The Bullseye Pistol Range is reserved Thursday mornings from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Shooting starts at 9:00.  Set up starts about 8:00.  Come early and help set up and visit.
Organized pistol practice utilizing a variety of courses of fire to entertain, improve shooting skills and enhance decision making skills all with an emphasis on safety. 
Equipment needed:
Center fire handgun.  Semi-auto preferred but revolver OK.
Eye and Ear protection.
Holster and Mag carrier.
At least one extra magazine.
If using a revolver, extra speed loaders are helpful.
Contact information:  Russ Dworshak  281-853-4208
Smallbore Silhouette Match
Saturday, May 25th, 2024, 9am to 2pm at Smallbore range
NRA smallbore rifle match and 1/2 scale SB lever action
Setup/practice at 9:00, match at 10:00
(Women Only) Beginning Handgun & Safety Class, Sherry Strong, Instructor
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, 5pm to 8pm at INDOOR RANGE
Introduction to handgun shooting.  LADIES ONLY CLASS FOR BEGINNERS: Divided into two evenings--Tuesday (5/28) and Wed (5/29) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  This class is for those beginners/new-bies who want to learn to operate their own firearm and learn to shoot it safely.  Also, if time permits, we'll cover gun cleaning procedure, and various holsters for carrying your firearm.  For more information, and/or to register, contact Sherry Strong, 918.724.6544, or
(Women Only) Beginning Handgun & Safety Class, Sherry Strong, Instructor
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, 5pm to 8pm at INDOOR RANGE
Introduction to handgun shooting.  LADIES ONLY CLASS FOR BEGINNERS: Divided into two evenings--Tuesday (5/28) and Wed (5/29) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  This class is for those beginners/new-bies who want to learn to operate their own firearm and learn to shoot it safely.  Also, if time permits, we'll cover gun cleaning procedure, and various holsters for carrying your firearm.  For more information, and/or to register, contact Sherry Strong, 918.724.6544, or
Thursday Outdoor Pistol Practice (TOPP)
Thursday, May 30th, 2024, 9am to 12pm at Bullseye pistol range
The Bullseye Pistol Range is reserved Thursday mornings from 8:00 AM to Noon.  Shooting starts at 9:00.  Set up starts about 8:00.  Come early and help set up and visit.
Organized pistol practice utilizing a variety of courses of fire to entertain, improve shooting skills and enhance decision making skills all with an emphasis on safety. 
Equipment needed:
Center fire handgun.  Semi-auto preferred but revolver OK.
Eye and Ear protection.
Holster and Mag carrier.
At least one extra magazine.
If using a revolver, extra speed loaders are helpful.
Contact information:  Russ Dworshak  281-853-4208